To become an egg donor, follow these easy steps:
Complete the mini application here with your basic info and the marvelous minds inside the computer will let you know if you meet the initial requirements.
To become an egg donor, follow these easy steps:
Complete the mini application here with your basic info and the marvelous minds inside the computer will let you know if you meet the initial requirements.
Once you have passed the mini application you are able to complete your profile either online or via email. Register here.
A user name and password will be emailed to you immediately. You can fill it in and send it back when you are ready. You don’t have to complete the application in one sitting. If you need to go and check on some info, you can hit save, then use your registration details to log in at a later stage and complete your application, upload your photos and submit.
After submission, one of our team members will give you a call. This gives you the opportunity to ask as many questions as you like and gives us the opportunity to make sure you understand the process 100%.
To help recipients choose the most suitable donor, they want to know as much as possible about the medical and personal history of the women that will hopefully make their dream of a family possible. Therefore we ask that you answer each question as carefully and thoroughly as possible.
All information requested is voluntary and remains anonymous. This questionnaire will be viewed by the recipients BUT before we publish it on our password protected website we will hide all personal information such as your name, address and any other form of identification.
If you are unsure how to answer or have any questions about the application, please feel free to get in touch and we will guide you through the application.
When submitting your completed personal history form, please submit a couple of pictures of yourself. Two recent photos (1 close-up and 1 full length) plus 4 photos of you as a child up to the age of 10 would be perfect. If you have any extra pics you would like to send or if you can’t upload the photos, please email them directly to
Adult photos will only be viewed by our team at Sunshine and used by us for reference when helping potential recipients choose a donor.
If you are unable to complete the application form online, please email us on and we will send you an email version of the application form.
Your profile, baby pics and unique donor number is loaded onto a password protected database where potential parents can now view your profile together with that of all the other egg donors on our database.
It can take anything from 3 minutes to 3 months to be chosen as a donor. Each recipient or intended parent is looking for that special donor.
When one of our recipients chooses you to be a donor, we will ask them to write you a letter telling you a little about themselves – why they need a donor, where they live, why they chose you! We will forward that letter on to your email address and then call to let you know and to confirm your availability. Take a day or two to think about it and make sure you are ready to be a donor. Once your decision is made, you let us know and we will help you to get the ball rolling.
Please keep in mind that each clinic has a different way of doing things, but this is the basic process of donation:
The process starts when you meet the doctor, a fertility specialist, who is going to be in charge of your donation. He will do an internal ultrasound to make sure your ovaries are healthy and in working order. You will also be sent for blood tests. The doctor will ask you to go on a birth control pill. This is used to sync your cycle up with your recipient’s cycle.
You will also meet with a psychologist who spends some time chatting with you. This is to make sure you are emotionally mature enough to donate and to know exactly what it entails.
Once all your tests and reports come back and you have been cleared to go ahead with the donation, the clinic coordinator will work out your donation and treatment plan. She will check in with you via phone and email to make sure you are happy with all the info and the dates. REMEMBER: We are still here to help you, should you have any questions.
After your initial appointments the egg donation process will begin. This means you will stop the birth control pill and start doing injections every day for about 12 days.
You will go for several scans during this time. The doctor will do an internal ultrasound to assess the growth of the eggs. Once they are almost ready to be retrieved, the doctor will ask you to do two final injections to help prepare the eggs for retrieval.
On about day 14 you will have your egg retrieval. Expect to be at the clinic for about two hours. The procedure itself only takes about 15 minutes under a light anesthetic. You will not see, hear or feel a thing during the procedure and will be ready to go home after about an hour.
You will collect your compensation of R7,000.00 directly from the clinic on the day of egg retrieval, after the procedure.
All of the costs are paid by the recipients who chose you. This includes your doctor’s appointments, scans, blood tests and medication.
Our donor support team will be there for you all the way, providing you with all the support, care and advice that you might need. We are just a phone call away. You might not realise it right there and then, but you will now have given someone the chance of a new life by donating your eggs. Life will continue as normal and you can take your time to decide if you would like to donate again.